Now for something(s) completely different...
Why yes, it has been a while since last post. But eventually, the Blog Cache in my brain becomes so full that it needs to spit out two completely unrelated thoughts, just to make room.
While in the car yesterday, I spotted the following bumpersticker:
Cancer-Free HUSBAND
What exactly is up with that? Did the driver not love her husband when he had cancer? Or does she have multiple husbands and loves only the cancer-free one (in which case, where is she doing her marital prospecting? Sloan-Kettering?). And what's with the peculiar juxtaposition of the lower-case and upper-case (or, as my oldest daughter said back in kindergarten, "cupper-ase") letters? I don't get it.
Speaking of bumperstickers, I am reminded of one that I saw a while ago, and finally found for my wife, the elementary school teacher:
4 Out of 3 People
Have Trouble With Fractions
Now for the unrelated thought: once in a while, you hear a quote that just makes you stop what you're doing and run for a pencil and paper to record it. After the death of Rev. William Sloane Coffin last week, I heard a rebroadcast of a Terry Gross interview with Coffin, in which the following quote stopped me in my tracks -- simply because these few words so intensely and succintly say, in this era of misdirected right-wing ideologues, what it means to live a life of faith:
"The integrity of love is much more important than the purity of dogma."
Just re-listened to the whole interview - regardless of your affiliation or interpretation, it is worth taking a few minutes. Great thoughts.
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