Monday, June 05, 2006



Breathtakingly shallow.

Frankly, embarrassing.

I refer, of course, to President Bush's recent initiative to demonize gay marriage in a blatantly-transparent effort to pander to the Bible-abusing knuckle-draggers who form the base (an appropriate term if there ever were one) of his Republican constituency. With all the other national, international, and societal problems facing our country, he proposes that we turn to the sacred institution of marriage between a man and a woman, and save it from attack, to "protect families and children." Attack from “activist judges,” many of whom have been put in place by Republican administrations.

And all this expenditure of Senators’ energy, time, posturing and blather for a proposed Constitutional amendment that has zero, zip, no change of making it out of the Senate, simply to give the appearance of throwing a bone to the conservatives. Memo to the Conservatives: are you so blind in your hatred of gays and lesbians that you can’t see through this latest proposal? Or are you salivating so much that you just don’t care? What’s next, sending the National Guard to Provincetown or San Francisco?

Last I checked, heterosexual couples aren't exactly doing a bang-up job preserving the sacred institution. Why not a constitutional amendment preventing divorce, Mr. President? How about seriously cracking down on spousal abusers, deadbeat dads, etc.? Something, anything, to show some depth of actual, living, breathing concern behind the façade.

Let's get the government out of private lives, shall we? Let's allow the tax and legal benefits extended to heterosexual married couples be extended to all couples in committed, til-death-do-we-part relationships. Let’s treat all love and commitment with dignity. Let's honor ALL people. Let's allow gay couples the same opportunity to live the lives of quiet desperation that heterosexual married couples do.

(Well, maybe we don't put the last part in any legislation...)


At 8:35 PM, Blogger Impetua said...

Very eloquent, J.Po.

On the first July 4th after the Sept. 11th attacks I went to visit my Dad, from whom I had been semi-estranged for a number of years. We went to services at his church (in a mini-mall storefront, no less). This was during the big foofaraw over whether to leave out "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance, and of course every Bible was being thumped loudly and often in those days... So after sitting through a tear-jerking photoshow of Sept. 11th imagery accompanied by the choir singing the national anthem and other patriotic songs, I had to sit through a sermon in which I was told that this was a Christian nation, founded by Christians, and that it was the shameful exclusion of, among other things, prayer in the schools that caused many of the ills of our society today. Among those ills: devil worship, premarital sex, and of course homosexuality.

I was reeling in horror for weeks, even to this day really. People think this way? And teach their unfortunate offspring to think this way too?

I'm ready to make that move to Canada every time I think of it. The only thing that keeps me here is my family. I just can't let my daughter grow up without her family, even if it means hating so many things about this country.

By the way, why is everyone so wound up about devil worship? Does anyone actually know any devil worshippers? I mean, if it was really an effective way of carrying out one's spiritual life, wouldn't we all be knee deep in demons and so forth by now? What's the big deal? I've never understood this.

Also, I felt that it was tacky and insensitive to show those images during services, especially so soon after it all happened. Just sayin'.

At 11:32 AM, Blogger yellojkt said...

If they weren't demonizing sodomy (something I'm sure plenty of them love on their own) they would be doing something even more useless like banning flag burning. Oh that's right. It's an election year. That's next.

I'm with you on the gay marriage. Why should they get a tax break for having two incomes?

At 8:03 PM, Blogger J.Po said...

Sounds like you landed in one poor excuse for a church, impetua. There's no place for 9/11 images, much less the message. There are plenty of more liberal congregations out there, regrettably without the blessing of the Bush administation and/or Fox News...

I commented on your blog about our congregation/minister. Added bonus: she knows the bar is always open at the House of Po...

At 2:18 AM, Blogger Impetua said...

Luckily we ended up at a very groovy church of our own a couple of years ago. The minister was one of the volunteers who performed ceremonies for the 3000+ gay couples who married at the spur of the moment when the local city council decided that marriage licenses should be handed out to any kind of couple who ponied up the sixty bucks. Our marriage was overturned later, but we'll always have the decorative framed license to remember it by....

When we went looking for a church about 6 months later, we tried his first and liked it so much we stayed, even though we moved across the river to another state and must drive 30 minutes plus to get there.

We had a couple attending for a short time who were aghast at the thought that gay folk are people too; they also didn't last long. I honestly don't miss them much... :)


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