Snake. Oil.
Is it just me who feels a sense of profound irony that President Bush is flying all over the country, at great expense in dollars and fuel, for scripted, invitation-only photo ops touting his administration's new energy policy? And wouldn't the most dyed-in-the-wool Red Stater be even a wee bit skeptical of this new philosophical turn away from the current policy of "Drill Everywhere, I Have Campaign Contributors to Repay?" What the hell, none of these things will happen before the end of his term, so he can say pretty much whatever he wants. Probably hopeful to implement Jetsons-style ships that run on greenhouse gases (how convenient!) by, oh, say, 2045...
And even funnier how this talk of alternative sources and conservation runs totally counter to the stated opinions of Dick "Be Vewy Quiet, I'm Hunting Quail" Cheney who made this statement on conservation and self-control a few months back?